Next: Eliminating deficiencies: the complete
Up: The construction
Previous: Problems
Again the deficiencies are harder to deal with. A first difficulty you encounter is in incorporating the
condition. So, if you eliminate a deficiency in x w.r.t. y by
defining y Sx y', you should make sure that every possible
successor of y' can also be a successor of some intermediate x'
(intermediate means
x R x' R y). This is done, as stated
before, by demanding
5.4 tells us that this is indeed possible. So for every y''with
you immediately have
A closer
examination brings us to the second difficulty, that
is, that there might be more intermediate worlds between x and
y. But the invariant 6 tells us that there is always
an intermediate world that is maximal w.r.t. the
relation. This settles the second difficulty if we just apply lemma
5.4 every time to the
-maximal intermediate world.
A third difficulty is found when realizing that the
S-relation must be transitive. Say
is a deficiency in
x w.r.t. y and we have
We want to create a
B-critical successor y' of x with
By doing so, every successor of y' can
automatically be defined a successor of x' and the
condition is satisfied. Invariant 6 tells us that
without loss of generality we can take this x' to be maximal w.r.t. the
-inclusion relation. Creating y' containing D, to
eliminate the deficiency
in x w.r.t. y is done in
such a way that
The existence of this
required entity is guaranteed by lemma 5.4. Automatically
we now have
accordingly set y Sx y'. The general frame conditions demand x R
y'. Now it may happen that
is a deficiency in xw.r.t. y'. It is easy to find a world y'' with D' in it and
being B-critical above x. The transitivity of Sx forces us to
also have y Sx y'', but by no means we can ensure that
Somehow we have to relate the possible
deficiencies to each other. As we have only finitely many relevant
sentences of the form
the following lemma helps us out.
As the difference between the various Ei's is not essential, one
has the lemma for any permutation of the indices. If one encounters a
deficiency in x w.r.t. y, say
one proceeds as
follows. First a list is made of all relevant sentences of the form
Let this list be
You can consider these as the possible deficiencies.
Let x' be such that
x R x' R y and
All deficiencies in x w.r.t. y will be eliminated in such a way
that no new deficiencies will occur in x w.r.t. the newly created
worlds. Again this process shall henceforth be referred to as the
process of making an Sxy-block. The
-inclusion of x' shall
be taken into account while creating this Sxy-block.
As stated before lemma 5.5 actually represents a manifold
of statements. All of them will be used in eliminating the deficiency
be a permutation of
With any
a series of sets
is defined.
For the sake of convenience we define
The notation
stands for the sentence
With this terminology one can easily
write down the n! useful variants of lemma 5.5.
For any
lemma 5.3 can be applied. Recall our situation,
x ReB x' R y with
possible deficiencies in x w.r.t. y. So applying lemma 5.3
to any
gives a maximal
-consistent set containing
one of the disjuncts of the consequent of
Note that
We now form a set of disjuncts
as follows. For every
you choose the leftmost
disjunct of the consequent which is realizable by
applying lemmas 5.3 and 5.5.
Lemma 5.6
Consider the above situation. Let

be all
the formulas that do not occur in any of the
n! disjuncts in

and let
Fj be an arbitrary formula of the possible
F's which does occur in some disjunct in

There must be
some disjunct in

where both
Fj and

Next: Eliminating deficiencies: the complete
Up: The construction
Previous: Problems
Joost Joosten