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Again the deficiencies are harder to deal with. A first difficulty you encounter is in incorporating the $\mathit{ILM_0}$-frame condition. So, if you eliminate a deficiency in x w.r.t. y by defining y Sx y', you should make sure that every possible successor of y' can also be a successor of some intermediate x' (intermediate means x R x' R y). This is done, as stated before, by demanding $ x' \subset_{\Box} y' $. Lemma 5.4 tells us that this is indeed possible. So for every y''with $ y' \prec y''$, you immediately have $ x' \prec y'' $. A closer examination brings us to the second difficulty, that is, that there might be more intermediate worlds between x and y. But the invariant 6 tells us that there is always an intermediate world that is maximal w.r.t. the $\Box$-inclusion relation. This settles the second difficulty if we just apply lemma 5.4 every time to the $\Box$-maximal intermediate world. A third difficulty is found when realizing that the S-relation must be transitive. Say $ C \rhd D $ is a deficiency in x w.r.t. y and we have $ x \prec_B x' R y$. We want to create a B-critical successor y' of x with $ D \in y'$ and $ x' \subset_{\Box} y' $. By doing so, every successor of y' can automatically be defined a successor of x' and the $\mathit{ILM_0}$-frame condition is satisfied. Invariant 6 tells us that without loss of generality we can take this x' to be maximal w.r.t. the $\Box$-inclusion relation. Creating y' containing D, to eliminate the deficiency $ C \rhd D $ in x w.r.t. y is done in such a way that $ x' \subset_{\Box} y' $. The existence of this required entity is guaranteed by lemma 5.4. Automatically we now have $ x R x'' R y \rightarrow x'' \subset_{\Box} y'$. We accordingly set y Sx y'. The general frame conditions demand x R y'. Now it may happen that $ C' \rhd D' $ is a deficiency in xw.r.t. y'. It is easy to find a world y'' with D' in it and being B-critical above x. The transitivity of Sx forces us to also have y Sx y'', but by no means we can ensure that $ x'
\subset_{\Box} y'' $. Somehow we have to relate the possible deficiencies to each other. As we have only finitely many relevant sentences of the form $ C \rhd D $, the following lemma helps us out.

Lemma 5.5  

\par E_0 \rhd F_0 , \ldots , E_n \rhd F_n ...
...} \vdots&
\vdots \\
\vee ( F_n \wedge \Box C ).

\begin{trivlist}% latex2html id marker 3874
...\vee \ldots \vee ( F_n \wedge \Box C )$ .\hspace*{\fill} {\sc qed}\end{trivlist}

As the difference between the various Ei's is not essential, one has the lemma for any permutation of the indices. If one encounters a deficiency in x w.r.t. y, say $E_0 \rhd F_0$, one proceeds as follows. First a list is made of all relevant sentences of the form $ C \rhd D $. Let this list be $E_0 \rhd F_0 , \ldots , E_n
\rhd F_n $. You can consider these as the possible deficiencies. Let x' be such that x R x' R y and $x R x'' R y \rightarrow x''
\subset_{\Box} x'$. All deficiencies in x w.r.t. y will be eliminated in such a way that no new deficiencies will occur in x w.r.t. the newly created worlds. Again this process shall henceforth be referred to as the process of making an Sxy-block. The $\Box$-inclusion of x' shall be taken into account while creating this Sxy-block.

As stated before lemma 5.5 actually represents a manifold of statements. All of them will be used in eliminating the deficiency $E_0 \rhd F_0$. Let $\pi$ be a permutation of $\{ 1,2,\ldots ,n \}$. With any $\pi$ a series of sets $\Delta_i^{\pi}$ is defined. $( i \in \{ 0,1, \ldots ,n \}.)$

\begin{displaymath}\Delta_0^{\pi} = \{ E_1, \ldots , E_n \} ,\ \ \Delta_{i+1}^{\pi} =
\Delta_i^{\pi} \setminus \{ E_{\pi(i+1)} \} .

For the sake of convenience we define $\forall \pi : \pi(0) = 0 $. The notation $\neg \Delta^{\pi}_i$ stands for the sentence $\bigwedge \hspace{-2.5mm} \bigwedge_{E_j
\in \Delta^{\pi}_i } \neg E_j$. With this terminology one can easily write down the n! useful variants of lemma 5.5.

\begin{displaymath}P_{\pi}:= \Diamond E_0 \wedge \Box C \rhd
{\bigvee \hspace{-...
( F_{\pi(i)} \wedge \neg \Delta^{\pi}_i \wedge \Box C ).

For any $P_{\pi}$ lemma 5.3 can be applied. Recall our situation, x ReB x' R y with $E_0 \rhd F_0 , \ldots , E_n
\rhd F_n $ the possible deficiencies in x w.r.t. y. So applying lemma 5.3 to any $P_{\pi}$ gives a maximal $\mathit{ILM_0}$-consistent set containing one of the disjuncts of the consequent of $P_{\pi}$. Note that $P_{\pi}
\in x $ because $ x \vdash P_{\pi}$. We now form a set of disjuncts $\mathcal{D}$ as follows. For every $P_{\pi}$ you choose the leftmost disjunct of the consequent which is realizable by applying lemmas 5.3 and 5.5.

Lemma 5.6   Consider the above situation. Let $F_{i_1}, \ldots , F_{i_k}$ be all the formulas that do not occur in any of the n! disjuncts in $\mathcal{D}$, and let Fj be an arbitrary formula of the possible F's which does occur in some disjunct in $\mathcal{D}$. There must be some disjunct in $\mathcal{D}$ where both Fj and $\neg E_{i_1}, \ldots , \neg E_{i_k} $ hold.

\begin{trivlist}% latex2html id marker 3883
...neg E_{i_1} \ldots \wedge \neg E_{i_k}$ .\hspace*{\fill} {\sc qed}\end{trivlist}

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Joost Joosten