Invariants 2, 3 and 6 are proved
inductively together. It is shown they hold in every
This concludes the proof that invariants 2, 3 and
6 hold in every
It is easy to see that
invariants 2 and 3 extend to the infinite
model. Recalling our earlier consideration of ``end extensions'',
forces us to conclude that invariant 6 extends to
the infinite model as well.
It is quite easy to see that invariant 4
holds in every
The basic model trivially satisfies
4. If some y is added to the model to eliminate a problem in
x', either x' is in CxB or it is not. Only the latter case
needs some argument. If
there must
be some
and some x0 R x such that
x2 Sx0x'. x2 can be chosen so that x was introduced
to eliminate a deficiency in x0 w.r.t. x2. Hence
(Recall that
.) The situation is
very easy if a new world is added by eliminating a deficiency. Thus
satisfies invariant 4. The notion of
criticalness also extends to the infinite model. Analogously invariant
5 is seen to be true. (For example one could apply
the same strategy as in the case of
.) The verification of the
invariants concludes the completeness proof.