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Making an SNy-block.

The procedure of ``making an SNy-block'' is quite similar to that of ``making an Sxy-block''. The main difference is that we are eliminating deficiencies here of a whole bunch of worlds at the same time. Another thing is that we are not too worried about criticalness. Of all the worlds in N, for at most one $ x_0 \in N$, we have that $
y \in C_{x_0}^B $ by invariant 5. The procedure of ``making an SNy-block'' is meant to deal with all deficiencies in $ N
\setminus \{ x_0 \} $ w.r.t. y in such a way that no new deficiencies in N w.r.t. the SNy-block occur. But where we do not take x0 into account while eliminating the deficiencies in N w.r.t. y, we might need to take x0 into account while eliminating the deficiencies in N w.r.t. the SNy-block. Invariant 3 is not violated though, because it is not possible to enter the SNy-block from y via an Sx0-successor. Therefore if some worlds in SNy lie above x0 (and this is possible if we eliminate a deficiency in x with x0Sx), they will not be in the B-critical cone of x0 and hence we will not need to worry about their B-criticality. Their successors however end up in the B-critical cone anyway via the $\mathit{ILM}$-condition ( $S\circ R\subseteq
R$). But this is alright, since, if $ x' \prec_{\mbox{\footnotesize {B}}} x \prec y'$ with $ x
\in N $ and y' in the SNy-block we automatically have $ x'
\prec_{\mbox{\footnotesize {B}}} y'$. So at this stage of the construction we need not be concerned about the criticality w.r.t. lower order nodes. The procedure of ``making an SNy-block'' is now described in detail.

Repeat the following steps as long as deficiencies wherever in N with respect to some element of the SNx-block exist.

The same observations as before insure the termination of this procedure.

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Joost Joosten