Next: Correctness and termination
Up: The details of constructing
Previous: Making an Sxy-block.
The procedure of ``making an SNy-block'' is quite similar to that
of ``making an Sxy-block''. The main difference is that we are
eliminating deficiencies here of a whole bunch of worlds at the same
time. Another thing is that we are not too worried about criticalness.
Of all the worlds in N, for at most one
we have that
by invariant 5. The procedure of ``making
an SNy-block'' is meant to deal with all deficiencies in
w.r.t. y in such a way that no new
deficiencies in N w.r.t. the SNy-block occur. But where we
do not take x0 into account while eliminating the deficiencies in
N w.r.t. y, we might need to take x0 into account while
eliminating the deficiencies in N w.r.t. the SNy-block.
3 is not violated though, because it is not possible to enter the
SNy-block from y via an Sx0-successor. Therefore if
some worlds in SNy lie above x0 (and this is possible if we
eliminate a deficiency in x with x0Sx), they will not be in the
B-critical cone of x0 and hence we will not need to worry about
their B-criticality. Their successors however end up in the
B-critical cone anyway via the
-condition (
). But this is alright, since, if
and y' in the SNy-block we automatically have
So at this stage of the construction we need not be
concerned about the criticality w.r.t. lower order nodes. The
procedure of ``making an SNy-block'' is now described in detail.
Repeat the following steps as long as deficiencies wherever in N with
respect to some element of the SNx-block exist.
The same observations as before insure the termination of this procedure.
Next: Correctness and termination
Up: The details of constructing
Previous: Making an Sxy-block.
Joost Joosten