Gödel's Theorem and Recursive Functions.

An exposition of the elementary theory from a logical and philosophical standpoint.
A course by Saul Kripke.


The course will be held at the Uithof which is not so difficult to reach. Please do consult every week this page for the latest update of when and where the lectures will take place. Probably this will we changed quite often. The coordinates as announced here might still be changed!!! You can also sign up to a mailing list by sending an e-mail to
Joost J. Joosten.
All relevant announcements will be done both on this page and through the mailing list. During the course notes will be distributed. The course will contain a substantial part of technical details.

Week 1

Monday January 15, 15:40-17:30 Place: Willem C. v Unnik gebouw 001 (Heidelberglaan 2.) Consult a map or a detail of it.
Thursday January 18, 11:00-13:00 Place: Buys Ballot Laboratorium 105 B (Princetonplein 5.) Consult a map or a detail of it.

During the lectures Saul Kripke often refers to notes of a similar course given in 1996 in Princeton. A first part of it can now be downloaded from this page. Apart from these notes Kripke has been talking about "The Ways of Paradox" of W. V. Quine, and Goedels original paper ".. on formally undecidable propositions ..", which can be found for example in "From Frege to Gödel; A Source Book in Mathematical Logic,1879-1931", edited by Jean van Heijenoort.

  • Notes from Princeton 1996, First part of it
    Due to copyright business and things like that notes will no longer be available via the web.

  • The lecture has been recorded on a digital video recorder. The fragments are sealed off for copyright reasons. Sorry for that. With a Macintosh computer one can (no longer) look at some of the fragments.

    Week 2

    Monday January 22, 15:30-17:30 Place: Wentgebouw "groen" (F.A.F.C. Wentgebouw, Sorbonnelaan 16) Consult a map or a detail of it.
    Thursday January 25, 11:00-13:00 Place: Kruytgebouw O 111 (H.R. Kruytgebouw, Padualaan 8) Consult a map or a detail of it.

  • Notes from Princeton 1996, the next four chapters
    Due to copyright business and things like that notes will no longer be available via the web.
  • Week 3

    Monday January 29, 15:30-17:30 Place: Wentgebouw "groen"(F.A.F.C. Wentgebouw, Sorbonnelaan 16) Consult a map or a detail of it.
    Thursday February 1, 11:00-13:00 Place: Minnaertgebouw 211 (Leuvenlaan 4, close to Budapestlaan.) Consult a map or a detail of it.

    Here comes a first part of the exercises for the students who follow the course for credits. A first exercises would be to show that one can show the existence of a model for the unrestricted comprehension principle if one asserts either A.) there exist a surjection from a set to its powerset, or B.) there is an injection from the powerset of some set to that set itself.

    From the notes we suggest to make the exercises 1 and 2 on page 34.
    Students from Amsterdam can hand in their answers to Dick de Jongh. Students from Utrecht can give them to Joost Joosten.

    Week 4

    Monday February 5, 15:30-17:30 Place: Transitorium 1 "rood" Consult a map or a detail of it.
    Thursday February 8, 11:00-13:00 Place: Minnaertgebouw 211 (Leuvenlaan 4, close to Budapestlaan.) Consult a map or a detail of it.

    Week 5

    Monday February 12, 11:00-13:00 Place: Bestuursgebouw 036 Consult a map or a detail of it.
    Thursday February 15, 11:00-13:00 Place: Centrumgebouw zuid F 125 (Martinus J. Langeveld gebouw, Heidelberglaan 1.) Consult a map or a detail of it.

    Week 6

    Monday Februari 19, 15:30-17:30 Place: Willem C. v Unnik gebouw 001 (Heidelberglaan 2.) Consult a map or a detail of it.
    Wednesday February 21, 15:00-17:00 Place: Centrumgebouw Zuid F 119 (Martinus J. Langeveld gebouw, Heidelberglaan 1.) Consult a map or a detail of it.

    The final exam will consist of a take home (or down-load) exam. The exercises and pagenumbers refer to the Princeton notes which were used during the course. If a student feels he or she has too little technical background to make the exercises but still would like to take the exam, he or she should contact the coordinator. For students of the University of Utrecht one could get information either from Joost Joosten or from Albert Visser.

    Page 35, exercise 3.
    Page 47, exercise 1,2 and 3.
    Page 65, exercise 3,4 and 5.
    Page 80, exercise 1 and 3.
    Page 92, exercise 3,a.
    A bonus exercise is exercise 5 on pages 92-94.

    Joost Joosten
    Last modified: Fri Feb 23 15:02:19 MET 2001