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The enclosure of $\mathit{GIL}$

The new principle was finally named P0 by Frank Veltman. He called it thus for its similarity with $P: A \rhd B \rightarrow \Box (A
\rhd B)$. P0 as he noticed can be seen as a weakening of P. Strengthening the antecedent of a conditional weakens it. And indeed $\vdash_{\mathit{IL}}A \rhd \Diamond B \rightarrow A
\rhd B$. Similarly M can be weakened to obtain M0. This calls for a general approach. On the one hand we have principles whose corresponding logic is too weak to be $\mathit{GIL}$, and on the other hand we have the logics $\mathit{ILM}$ and $\mathit{ILP}$ which are clearly too strong to be a candidate for $\mathit{GIL}$. The general approach would be to weaken the logics which are too strong and to strengthen the logics which are too weak. We can alter our logics in three different aspects:

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Joost Joosten