Next: Independence results concerning P
Up: A new principle
Previous: The birth of a P
The enclosure of
The new principle was finally named P0 by Frank Veltman. He called
it thus for its similarity with
P0 as he noticed can be seen as a weakening of P.
Strengthening the antecedent of a conditional weakens it. And indeed
Similarly M can be weakened to obtain M0. This calls
for a general approach. On the one hand we have principles whose
corresponding logic is too weak to be
and on the other hand we
have the logics
which are clearly too strong to be a
candidate for
The general approach would be to weaken the
logics which are too strong and to strengthen the logics which are too
weak. We can alter our logics in three different aspects:
On an arithmetical basis one can appropriately vary the
principles. This way of enclosing
is the most direct. It is
quite difficult to think of candidate principles though and is outside
the realm of this thesis.
Another possibility can be to strengthen for example the
frame-conditions of some principle which is too weak.
found like this. For example one might try to strengthen the frame
condition of W to demand
conversely well-founded.
The other possibility would be syntactical modulation. Many statements
in interpretability logic take the form of a valid conditional. Even
operator can be considered as a conditional. Weakening a
conditional can be done by weakening the consequent or strengthening
the antecedent. For weakening or strengthening for example a
consequent, one can use implications. The antecedent of a conditional
is stronger than the consequent. All the axioms of
can be
written as an implicational statement and hence can be used to modify
the other principles. J5 can be written in the equivalent form:
Using this form of J5 to modify other statements gives interesting
results. M0 can be obtained as a right weakening of M and P0can be seen as a left weakening of P. It has not yet been
systematically investigated if new interesting principles can be found
proceeding like this.
Next: Independence results concerning P
Up: A new principle
Previous: The birth of a P
Joost Joosten