Here is a (n incomplete) list of some of the events that I have organized, or have taken part of.


Local Seminars

Seminari Cuc: Seminar on Proof Theory and Modal Logic

PhD Seminar on Mathematical Logic

Barcelona Logic Seminar

Conferences and Seminars

Synthetic mathematics, logic-affine computation and efficient proof systems
(September 8 -- 12, 2025, Marseille, France).

Infinitary Proof Theory: Techniques and Applications
(August 10 -- 15, 2025, Oaxaca, Mexico).

Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
(July 14 -- 17, 2025, Porto, Portugal).

Fourth European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness
(June 30 -- July 2, 2025, Eindhoven, The Netherlands).

LINAS Conference; AI Crossroads: Bridging Disciplines for Innovation
(April 14, 2025, Belfast, North Ireland).

Theorem Proving and Machine Learning in the age of LLMs: SoA and Future Perspectives
(April 7 -- 8, 2025, Edinburgh, Scotland).

CSL 2025, Computer Science Logic
(February 10 -- 14, 2025, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

Seminari de Dret Local, Federació de Municipis de Catalunya
(January 10, 2025, Barcelona).

With slides and handout.

Càtedra de la Cultura Jurídica, Derecho, sesgos y errores de la Inteligencia Artificial, con especial atención al sector público
(November 22, 2024, Girona, Catalunya, Espanya).
With slides.

Jornada Living Lab UB, Buen Govierno y Calidad de la Regulación
(November 18, 2024, Barcelona).

ProLaLa, Workshop on Programming Languages and the Law
(October 22, 2024, Pasadena, California, United States).

The Proof Society Summer School and Workshop
(September 9 -- September 13, 2024, Birmingham, United Kingdom).
With slides.

Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles, Wormshop 2024
(September 2 -- September 5, 2024, Ghent, Belgium).

Advances in Modal Logic, 2024
(August 19 -- August 23, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic).

Computability in Europe, 2024
(July 8 -- July 12, 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
With slides.

Logic Colloquium 2024
(June 24 -- June 28, 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden).
With slides.

Second Workshop on Worlds and Truth Values
(June 10 -- June 11, 2024, Barcelona, Spain).
With slides.

Interactions between Logic, Law and Computation, Research Seminars, Publication Strategies, and Scientific Dissemination, IMT School for Advanced Studies
(April 19, 2024, Lucca, Italy).

Certified Programs and Proofs 2024, London
(January 15 -- January 16 2024, London, United Kingdom).

Trends in Proof Theory 2024, Vienna
(Monday, February 5 -- Friday, February 16 2024, Vienna, Austria).

JURIX 2023
36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (Monday, December 18 -- Wednesday, December 20 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands).
With the affiliated Workshop on AI, Law and Philosophy.

Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
( Sunday, November 12 -- Saturday, November 18, 2023, Oberwolfach, Germany).
With slides.

Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles
(Tuesday, October 31 -- Friday, November 3 2023, Bern, Switzerland).
With slides.

Public Administration and the EU Proposal for a Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
(September 18 and 19 2023, Barcelona, Spain). Here is a program of the conference.
With slides. A review and its translation to English also online.

Autumn school "Proof and Computation"
(September 10 and 16 2023, Herrsching, Germany).

The Proof Society 2023 Summer School and Workshop
(July 2023, Barcelona, Spain).

Types 2023
(June 2023, Valencia, Spain).

Workshop on Algorithmic Law
(June 2023, Passau, Germany). With slides.

Type Theory, Constructive Mathematics and Geometric Logic, 2023
(May 2023, Marseille, France). With slides.

Satellite 2023
Washington DC, USA.

2022 Workshop on Proof Theory, 2022
(Utrecht, The Netherlands), see also here. With slides.

Legal accountability of AI, 2022
(Valencia, Spain)

Colloquium Logicum, 2022
(Konstanz, Germany) with slides

El bono social energético y el programa Bosco: sobre algoritmos, errores y código fuente. A propósito de la primera decisión judicial recaída en 2021
(Javier de la Cueva, Joosten Discussant, September 23, 2022, Barcelona Catalonia-Spain)

Workshop on Decidable Fragments of First-order Modal Logic, 2022
(Haifa, Israel)

Advances in Modal Logic 2022
(Rennes, France)

Congreso Transparencia, Inteligencia Artificial y Administración Pública
Thursday, May 19, 2022, Toledo, Spain (in streaming with slides).

Logic seminar of the University of Groningen
with slides, Wednesday, May 18, 2022, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation Event, 2022.
Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation Event, 2022, link with program.
Thursday, May 12, HEC, Paris, France.
Presenting a position paper.

Conference on Algorithmic Law Design and Implementation, 2022
April, 28 and 29, 2022, Barcelona

Lectures on Logic and its Mathematical Aspects Seminar
2022-03-09 16:00, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with slides

EuroProofNet, European Research Network on Formal Proofs
(2022, Valencia, (Hybrib format) Spain)

Logical Foundations of Computer Science
(2022, Deerfield Beach, Florida, (Online) United States of America)

2021 Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications
(2021, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal)

2021 Winter School on Proof Theory
(2021, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal)

Online International Workshop on Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
(2021, Online, Wuhan, China)

Online International Workshop on Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
(2021, Online, Wuhan, China)

Quantified reflection calculus with one modality is decidable
in the Joint seminar "Proof Theory" and "Online Logic Seminar" at the (via web-cast) Steklov Mathematical Institute, 2021 Moscow (also ytb)

Oberwolfach Meeting: Mathematical Logic: Proof Theory, Constructive Mathematics
(November, 2020, online)

Online logic seminar on Foundations of Mathematics at Wuhan University: Iterated consistency, reflection and foundations of mathematics, November 2020 (November, 2020, online) also on Chinese mirror.

Symposium FV Time Manager Presentation
October 21, 2020, Streaming from Barcelona

Advances in Modal Logic, August 24 -- August 28, 2020
Streaming from Helsinki

Computer Science Logic, January 13 -- January 16, 2020, Barcelona

Workshop on the occasion of Dick de Jongh's 80th Birthday, November 27 2019, Amsterdam

Fifth International Wormshop (Lustrum edition), November 2019, Barcelona

II Seminario Internacional DAIA de Derecho público. “Datos e inteligencia artificial en el sector público: la importancia de las garantías jurídicas” , October 2019, Valencia

II UB International PhD in Law Conference: Diffuse and artificial legal personalities, April 2019, Barcelona

Fourth International Wormshop, October 2017, Moscow

Third International Wormshop, September 2016, Tbilisi

Second International Wormshop, September/October 2014, Mexico City


Days on Model Theory and Applications, February 2014

WormShop 2012

Logic Colloquium 2011

Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems 2014

Algorithmic Nature Group

LABORES, Laboratoire de Recherche Scientifique


Here is the official webpage and we also maintain a less official but more practical webpage.
I have written a Student Guide and made a Poster that brings together much relevant information on the master.

To get an impression about the theses that are written at the end of our master we have:
Thesis publication series of the Master in Pure and Applied Logic
Instructions on how to submit your thesis can be found here.


2023 Scientific coffee the UB: Artificial Inte and Humanity: dangers and advantages,

What are numbers? (In Catalan). Talk within the eighth edition of Barcelona Pensa Festival.
It was a dense but intereactive talk with whiteboard and slides.

2021 Scientific coffee the UB: The digital revolution,
are we all prepared for it?

2019 Scientific coffee the UB: Can we trust computer's reasoning?

Terricoles interview

Some projects

Member of Academia Europaea, 2024--.

ICREA Academia Award, 2022--2027.

Error Free Software Project, 2018--2022.

Barcelona Group on Pure and Applied Proof Theory

Prometheuss Grup --Proof Methods for European Software Systems--

BLOG – Nudging aplicado a la Mejora de la Regulación y al Uso de Algoritmos y de Inteligencia Artificial

Old events

Joost Joosten
Last modified: Tue May 15 15:27:54 MET DST 2007